EuroChem allocated over 20 Million Roubles to children centers in the Town of Kotelnikovo
In 2010, EuroChem management provided more than 20 million roubles in aid to the Kotelnikovo District Administration. The funds were provided for capital repairs at Kotelnikovo’s School No. 2, the Kolokolchik Daycare, and the therapeutics and children’s departments at the Kotelnikovo Central Municipal Hospital.
The beginning of the school year brought many inconveniences for the pupils of School No. 2 and their parents. For several months, children had to attend other educational establishments due to repairs being carried out at their school. Thanks to federal and district support coupled with financial aid from EuroChem, capital repairs were completed and pupils of School No. 2 were able to come back to their renovated school.
In February, plans call for the reopening of the Kolokolchik Daycare, where more than 7 million roubles were allocated for capital repairs. The daycare had been closed for some time and its premises were being used by other organizations. Following renovations, the daycare will accept 120 children, including children of EuroChem – Volga Kali employees.
Repairs and renovations at the Kotelnikovo Central Municipal Hospital are set to begin in late January. A tender was held earlier this year and the work will be carried out by the same company that proved itself renovating School No. 2.
EuroChem Mineral and Chemical Company is one of the most generous companies in Russia and has been leading the corporate charity ranking among Russian agrochemical companies for three years running. The Company’s social investment policy focuses on health, youth, and environmental programs. Every year, the company invests millions of roubles in the social development of the cities and towns where it operates, such as Kotelnikovo in the Volgograd region.