Water-soluble NPK
Our water-soluble NPK fertilizers provide a balanced and complete supply of nutrients, with convenient tailor-made formulas adapted to each phase of crop development (for rooting, beginning of development, growth stimulation, fattening and ripening, etc.).
Aqualis® ENTEC® Solub fertilizer contain nitrification inhibitor, which reduces both nitrate leaching and the emission of nitrogen gases into the atmosphere, keeping more nitrogen available in soil for crop uptake.
Aqualis® UP Solub is water-soluble urea phosphate, designed for foliar or fertigation application, especially in alkaline conditions. The high acidity of UP Solub helps clean the irrigation system and prevents clogging, which is especially useful in hard water situations.
Aqualis® SOP Solub – potassium sulfate – water-soluble K fertilizer. The small crystalline free flowing powder quickly dissolving in water with less than 0,5 % insoluble matter. It is the most concentrated chloride free source of potassium in the market, approved according to regulation (EC) 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008 for use in organic farming systems.
Aqualis® MAP Solub is a fully water-soluble monoammonium phosphate fertilizer in the form of a non hygroscopic and free flowing, crystalline powder. It is a popular P fertilizer in fertigation programs. Chloride and sodium free. White, fully water-soluble free of residual contaminants or hazardous residues.
Aqualis® CN solub is the water-soluble calcium nitrate. It is a highly efficient source of calcium and nitrogen promptly available to plants. Free flowing granular product. Aqualis® CN Solub has less than 0,2% insoluble matter and thus does not cause any problems of clogging nozzles, irrigation lines or emitters.
Aqualis® NOP solub – potassium nitrate – is a crystalline fertilizer totally soluble in water, an ideal source of potassium. It is composed of white crystals and does not cake under normal storage conditions.