EuroChem Annual General Meeting of shareholders
Moscow, June 20, 2014 – EuroChem announced today that it held its Annual General Meeting of shareholders (AGM) on 16 June 2014.
The meeting was attended by 100% of the shareholders registered as of 28 April 2014.
Shareholders elected the Board of Directors as well as approved the annual report and financial statements for the 2013 financial year. The shareholders approved the proposal to retain the 2013 net profits at the Company’s disposal.
The AGM confirmed that the Board of Directors shall be composed of nine Directors, including 5 independent directors. The following members of the EuroChem Board were re-elected: Andrea Wine, Garth Moore, Alexander Landia, Vladimir Stolin, Nikolay Pilipenko, Dmitry Strezhnev, and Andrey Melnichenko. Kent Potter and Mikhail Kuznetsov were elected as new members of the Board.
At the Board meeting held following the AGM, Andrey Melnichenko was re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Board Committee structure was maintained and membership voted as follows: Kent Potter was elected as Chairman and Nikolay Pilipenko as a member of the Audit Committee. Andrey Melnichenko was re-elected as Chairman and Alexander Landia and Gath Moore as members of the Strategy Committee. Vladimir Stolin was re-elected as Chairman and Nikolay Pilipenko and Andrea Wine as members of the Corporate Governance and Personnel Committee.
Director resumes are available at
Other AGM resolutions
The AGM elected Financial and Accounting Consultants LLC as 2014 external auditor. PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit will remain external auditor for EuroChem’s IFRS reporting.
The shareholders also elected Svetlana Ormane, Tatyana Zakuta, and Alexander Tarasenko to EuroChem’s Revision Commission.