EuroChem CSR program declared best among Russia’s сhemical sector

EuroChem was named Russia’s 2012 Corporate Charity Leader in the category “Best Program Promoting Corporate Charity Policy and Social Investment Concepts” by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), which praised the company’s program “Incubator of professional competencies: career lift for regional youth.”
For a fourth year in a row, EuroChem has led the ranking for CSR and charity programs among Russia’s chemical industry companies.
In 2011, EuroChem was twice rewarded for its corporate social and charity programs.
The Russian Corporate Charity Research 2012 project is jointly run by Vedomosti, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and the Donors’ Forum, with support from Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Public Chamber’s committee for charity and non-profit organization legislation, and the International Business Leaders Forum. The contest highlights best practices in charity campaigns, which it then aims to spread among both business and communities. Over 50 leading Russian companies and subsidiaries of international corporations participated in the contest in 2012.
EuroChem’s social programs have been included in the “Companies’ Guide to Charity and Social Investments”, a collection of the best projects of 2011.

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