EuroChem places US$700m Eurobond issue
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Zug, Switzerland, March 18, 2019 – EuroChem Group AG (“EuroChem” or the “Group”), a leading global fertilizer company, announces that it has successfully returned to the international debt markets with a new US$700m Eurobond issue.
During an intensive roadshow in the US and Europe, the Group was met with strong interest from high-quality international investors. The final book was twice oversubscribed.
Initial price guidance was announced in the 5.875% area for a new five-year Eurobond offering, but the order book response was such that the Group revised price guidance twice, and priced the offering at 5.50%.
The transaction is the largest non-investment-grade issue from Russia since June 2017, and the very first Eurobond offering since February 2018.
“We’re proud to have achieved unprecedented results by pricing the largest Eurobond issuance in international public debt capital markets for the Group, and with our longest tenor, since 2012,” EuroChem Group Acting Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer Kuzma Marchuk said.
“We strongly believe that our landmark transaction will pave the way for further private corporate issuances from Russian entities in the Eurobond market,” he added.
The liability management transaction, which involved tendering two outstanding bonds with maturities in 2020 and 2021, will help improve the Group’s debt redemption schedule. The Company achieved one of the highest participation rates to date among similar issuers and the total acceptance amount was increased from $500 million to $747.8 million.
“We believe this successful placement will enhance our presence in the financial markets,” said EuroChem Head of Treasury and Corporate Finance Ruslan Karmanny. “We have extended our existing curve on the Eurobond market and placed a new 5-year benchmark, and this transaction underlines investors’ confidence in our business strategy, the ongoing deleveraging initiative and our sound financial profile.”
Citigroup and JP Morgan acted as joint global coordinators on the bond. Joint managers and bookrunners were: Citigroup, JP Morgan, Sberbank, Société Générale, UniCredit and VTB Capital. PJSC Sovcombank acted as the Senior Co-Manager and Sova Capital Limited acted as the Co-Manager.
About EuroChem Group AG
EuroChem is a leading global producer of nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers, as well as certain industrial and mining products. The Group is vertically integrated with activities spanning mining to fertilizer production, logistics, and distribution. EuroChem began potash production at its Usolskiy mine in early 2018, and continues to develop a second greenfield site at VolgaKaliy in Russia. Headquartered in Zug, Switzerland, the Group operates production facilities in Europe, Asia and the CIS, employing more than 26,000 people.
For more information, please visit or contact:
Guy Dresser
Head of Communications EuroChem Group AG
Elena Kalinskaya
FTI Consulting
+44 (0) 20 3727 1000
Russian Media
Vladimir Torin
Head of Public Relations MCC EuroChem
Ruslan Karmanny
Head of Corporate Finance and Treasury EuroChem Group AG
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